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FCIC24 Photos

5 days

118 participants

83 organizations

80 presentations (inc. posters)

9 workshops

3 keynotes presentations

2 technical visits

Infinite discussions, encounters, hugs and smiles


We had a hard time to select the best photos, but we think those can help you to have a glimpse of these amazing event!

Thank you!


Opening Session

Tecnhical Visit | URBINAT Project Healthy Corridor

Guided by Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Principal Coordinator of the EU H2020-funded URBiNAT project
Centre for Social Studies, Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra (Portugal) 

Plenary Sessions, Parallel Sessions, Posters, Workshops

Technical Visit 
SAAL Participatory Design by Álvaro Siza

Guided by Fernando Cardoso, Bouça Neighborhood Association
assisted by Ana Tarrafa (TU Delft) and Tiago Cruz (CEAU-FAUP)