29 January - 02 February 2024
FAUP | University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
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FCIC'24 | Fomal Letter
[place], [date] 2023
Subject: Faro Convention International Conference 2024 (FCIC’24) | 29Jan-02Feb | FAUP | Porto
The UNESCO Chair Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability, held by Professor Ana Pereira Roders and based at TUDelft - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in partnership with the UNESCO Chair Heritage, Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design, held by Dr. Teresa Cunha Ferreira and based at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), Portugal, are organizing the first edition of the Faro Convention International Conference 2024 (FCIC24), dedicated to the theme "Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges", which will take place at FAUP, from January 29 to February 2, 2024.
Signed in 2005 in Portugal, and ratified by more than twenty countries, the Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro Convention) emphasizes the value and potential of heritage for sustainable development and for the quality of life of a society in constant change and facing growing challenges. The FCIC24 Conference will address the theme of participatory processes in the management of cultural heritage, a central component of the Convention, focusing on three sub-themes introduced by different speakers, which will be the subject of communications, posters and debates in workshops:
(1) Co-creation in Education/Training - Innovative participation tools/actions in educational projects and programs in heritage studies (Keynote speaker: Professor Ana Pereira Roders, UNESCO Chair "Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability", TU Delft - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands);
(2) Research on co-creation in urban heritage practices - Recent research trends, challenges, and opportunities of co-creation approaches in the management of historic urban landscapes;
(Keynote speaker: Professor Doutor Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Centre for Social Studies, Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra, Portugal;
(3) Co-creation in heritage Practices – Cases of co-creation, private and public, from a small to a large scale, around heritage management, architecture, urban planning, and governance. (Keynote speaker: Master Susan Fayad, World Heritage and Regional Development Lead City of Ballarat, Australia)
Conscious of the interest and valuable work that [your contact person] has been developing in the areas addressed by the Conference, we would greatly appreciate the dissemination of the Conference FCIC24 through the dissemination channels of your institution / university / association / ....
Information about the Conference is available at https://www.fcic24.com/, and calls for papers, posters and workshops are open until July 28, 2023.
Thanking you in advance, we are looking forward to welcoming you at the Conference.
Yours sincerely,
[your name or professional identification]
FCIC'24 | Fomal Letter
[place], [date] 2023
Assunto: Faro Convention International Conference 2024 (FCIC'24) | 29Jan-02Fev | FAUP | Porto
A Cátedra UNESCO Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability, tutelada pela Professora Doutora Ana Pereira Roders e sediada na TUDelft - Universidade de Tecnologia de Delft, Países Baixos, em parceria com a Cátedra UNESCO Heritage, Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design, tutelada pela Doutora Teresa Cunha Ferreira e sediada na FAUP - Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, organizam a primeira edição da Faro Convention International Conference 2024 (FCIC24), dedicada à temática “Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges”, que decorrerá na FAUP entre 29 de Janeiro e 2 de Fevereiro de 2024.
Assinada em 2005 em Portugal e ratificada por mais de vinte países, a Convenção-Quadro sobre o Valor do Património Cultural para a Sociedade (Convenção de Faro) do Conselho da Europa enfatiza o valor e o potencial do património para o desenvolvimento sustentável e para a qualidade de vida de uma sociedade em constante mutação e crescentes desafios.
A FCIC24 abordará a temática dos processos participativos na gestão do património cultural, elemento fulcral da Convenção, centrando-se em três sub-temas que orientarão as comunicações dos oradores convidados, assim como as propostas de comunicações, posters e debates em oficinas:
(1) Co-criação em Educação/Formação - ferramentas/ações inovadoras de participação em projetos e programas educativos em estudos do património.
Oradora convidada: Ana Pereira Roders, Cátedra UNESCO “Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability”, TU Delft - Delft University of Technology, Países Baixos);
(2) Investigação sobre co-criação em práticas patrimoniais urbanas - tendências de investigação recentes, desafios e oportunidades de abordagens de co-criação na gestão de paisagens urbanas históricas
Orador Convidado: Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Departamento de Arquitetura, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal ;
(3) Co-criação em Práticas Patrimoniais – casos de co-criação, privada e pública, de pequena a grande escala, em torno da gestão do património, arquitetura, planeamento urbano e governação
Oradora Convidada: Susan Fayad, World Heritage and Regional Development Lead City of Ballarat, Australia
Cientes do interesse e valioso trabalho que a/o [a sua pessoa de contacto] tem vindo a desenvolver nas áreas abrangidas pela Conferência, muito agradecíamos a V. Exa. a disseminação da FCIC24 através dos canais de divulgação da vossa organização.
A informação sobre a Conferência está disponível em https://www.fcic24.com/, encontrando-se a decorrer até ao dia 28 de julho de 2023 as chamadas para artigos, posters e workshops. Mais se informa que sendo a FCIC24, um evento de âmbito internacional o inglês será a língua oficial.
Em nome da Comissão Organizadora da FCIC24, agradecemos a atenção e esperamos poder contar com a participação de V. Exa neste evento.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
[o seu nome ou identificação profissional]
FCIC'24 | Infomal Letter
Dear [contact person],
I hope you are well.
During the next months, the UNESCO Chair Heritage, Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design, CEAU/FAUP, Universidade do Porto, Portugal, and the UNESCO Chair [XXX], will be organizing a conference titled:
Faro Convention International Conference 2024.
Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges.
Do you think that you could disseminate it among your networks?
Would you be interested to join us in Porto or be more active as partner?
This conference is meant to bring together academics, students, and practitioners, to exchange experiences on the implementation of the Faro Convention values and ambitions, which are very aligned with [name of institution]. Would you need more info, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for your time and attention. Looking forward to your reaction.
Best regards,
FCIC'24 | Infomal Letter
Assunto: Pedido de divulgação - Faro Convention International Conference 2024 | 29Jan-02 Fev 2024| FAUP | Porto
Caro [pessoa de contacto],
Espero que este e-mail o/a encontre bem.
No decorrer dos próximos meses, as Cátedras UNESCO "Heritage, Cities and Landscapes..." e "HeVa" estarão a organizar uma conferência intitulada:
Faro Convention International Conference 2024.
Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges.
Pedimos, por favor, a divulgação da mesma pelos vossos canais da seguinte informação:
Faro Convention International Conference 2024: Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges
29Jan-02 Fev 2024
FAUP | Porto